The Aesthetics website is currently undergoing a virtual overhaul…
I apologize that it was neglected during covid. Like everyone, I was trying to figure out the best way to live, work, function, care for myself and my family in a world that constantly kept changing the rules for everything. I have taken the last few months to actually process this journey on every level. As I started to do that and emerge from a “survival mode “it was like the pause button was released and life was on play again. The goals I had for 2020 could now be put in motion. My mom role had expired for my twin boys who were now “men” and sophomores in college. Life had now gone from a suspension to a fast forward version in the blink of an eye. The mom-preneur had graduated to the entrepreneur. The freedom of this moment had been suspended into a protection mode for the survival of everything that I loved and now it was safe to dream again…This was my realization after 2 years suspended in a world of such uncertainty. I felt an even greater push to raise my own bar of achieving new goals. I have a great sense of gratitude for the opportunity to continue to do what I love from the support of the many customers, friends, family and staff that helped my business survive a pandemic. That “still standing” and “weathering the storm”, has driven me to return to my original mission statement; of helping women find the beauty in themselves and in others, “their aesthetic.” With that goal in mind, I am realizing the global changes that have evolved and the new challenges they have created… I invite you all to be a part of my entrepreneurial journey as I try new things this year. Many of you have been there since the beginning in 2008 as we went from in home design to fashion design and sewing studio. We evolved again to become a full woman’s retail boutique. We changed locations and every time the dream grew and evolved. I am reaching out with purpose to be bold in ways that challenge the creativity of Aesthetics. This February we opened the first satellite store location in Deer Park at The Painted Tree Store. As we realize the platform of shopping continues to become more virtual, there is still a large audience of women that enjoy the opportunity to wander and explore their shopping in person. I want to continue to offer this opportunity… This May I will open our first coastal location in Virginia Beach a place that holds fond childhood and family memories. I hope to share in my perspective to holding yourself accountable to your goals and dreams and to finding ways to make the world more beautiful with your own aesthetics.